Organising Services


We provide professional organising services – whether in your home office – home or office.

An Extra Pair of Hands For You will Organise and / or Create and / or Implement systems to organise / streamline / re-organise your environments.

Organisation of your work – home office and home enables and assists in the productive flow of your environments. We also assist in organising and implementing your ‘To Do List’;

Our home organising services include:

  • Organising your bathroom cupboards and shelves, kitchen cupboards and bench space, bedroom cupboards, dining room cabinets, linen press, the attic,  ‘that room’ your garage / shed / other storage areas;
  • We assist in streamlining your books, magazines and journals so you can find same easily and effortlessly;
  • We will work thru your documents and paperwork files and assist you in decluttering and then organising systems tailored to you to ensure that you can find same effortlessly;

Our Home Office organising service includes:

  • Organising your paperwork / documents / files – hard and soft copy into systems that are tailored to your requirements;
  • Organising / re-organising your product / stock and ensuring that current product / stock is readily available;

Organising services for Office / Work include:

  • Fine-tuning all systems – documents / paperwork/ product / stock reference material et al  in the work-place and work environment;